Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Where Have I Been?

If anyone is still reading this blog, which I doubt, I have to humbly apologize for my huge absence. Funny, I had perfect attendance this past school year and even got a reward :).  As for my blog, well that's another story.

Well, I survived my "first year" as a third grade teacher in public school. I think the STAAR test was going to be the death of me, but my kids and I did it.  I made lots of wonderful friendships along the way and I couldn't have asked for a better team to work with. Seriously, we were the best team in the school, hands down!

My ending to the year was bittersweet because I have another friend who teaches in the same district but at a different campus who told me about a first grade bilingual position that was opening up at her school.  If anyone knows me well, they know that I just LOVE first grade.  I taught it for four years and it's where my heart lies.  Well, I took a leap of faith and applied for it and got an interview.  The interview was tough and I work for the district so it blew my mind that questions they were asking.  I was up against a few other people so I said, may the best person get the job.  I prayed for it and I told myself that I already had a job no matter what and that if someone else needed or wanted it more than I did then they could have it.  Well, 45 minutes later I get a call from the principal saying the team would love to have me!! So many emotions ran through me, I laughed and cried a lot.  I think it's because I know that's where I am the most at ease and where I know I shine as a teacher.

It's funny how things will work themselves out if you just have patience and hope.

I'm currently enjoying my summer to the extent that I can.  I've been working out twice a day and eating as best as I can. Not only to lose weight, but to make my body feel healthier.  That's a goal I want to maintain now that I'm in my thirties! Yikes!  Ha! No, I'm actually loving it and I love where my life is at this present moment.

I have a new man in my life and we'll just call him "K" for now.  K and I met online at the end of January when I was losing all hope in life, no joke, I was in such a bad place and I was struggling with anything and everything.  Then I "met" K and he was actually the first and only guy I talked to from the site. I was honestly not thinking of falling in love but he has truly swept me off my feet and continues to do so.  We've been dating for four months now and I firmly believe K is my soul mate.  He makes me happy like no one else has in a really long time and he makes me laugh and just pampers me.  It's so good to be in a relationship where the love is equal.  He's been helping me workout and goes through it with me so I'm not alone.  We have our slips with food now and then but who doesn't.  I could probably sit here and write about him all day but no one wants to hear that.  If you want to know more, just ask! I really am an open book!

Summer projects:
-Get to know my first grade standards well
-Finish my required summer reading
-Think of a theme for my new classroom (i'm thinking chevron)
-Create materials in Spanish for elementary teachers such as myself because there isn't much out there!!!
-Keep working out
-Eat right
-Enjoy my time off

Well, I think that keeps me up to date, I have to get moving because K, his parents, and I are going to Colorado tomorrow! I am so excited!!! I've always wanted to visit and never had the chance.  We plan to go back in the winter and stay in a cabin just he and I, which will be so romantic!

Okay peeps, I'm off! Have a great day/week!


  1. Congrats Judy on First Grade-again :) Everything does happen for a reason. I'm glad you are in a happy place! Enjoy Colorado, I've never been either but I'm sure it's beautiful!
    -Lovely Nina

  2. COngrats on the new position and your new "friend". :)

  3. Thank you ladies! I'm so glad my old blog friends are still with me! I've missed ya!

  4. Yaay for a new job and the best grade evah! Congrats!

    1. Thank you! I'm so excited to be going back to first!

  5. Congrats on your new position! I definitely don't believe in coincidences so God wants you right where you are. Also, congrats on finding Mr. K :) You sound so happy. Oh, and about being in the 30's I know how you feel. Things just aren't like they were in our 20's :) Ha!

    Rayos de Kinder
