Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Sunday Before Spring Break

I know it must sound terrible of me to be excited for spring break but we haven't been off (aside from weekends but those don't count since we're still doing work for our kiddos) since MLK but that was only a day! I am looking forward to relaxation and possibly doing lots of exercising because I can feel myself packing on the pounds. I honestly don't know how some people manage a family and work and still have time to work out. Kuddo's to them, seriously! 

Okay back to teaching! This week we were finally introduced to adjectives, I LOVE adjectives.  I think the kiddo's do too!  Well I totally got this off Pinterest (where else) and I had the kids make pictures of themselves and write at least three adjectives about themselves. Well some of them went above and beyond because well their first graders and they are ego-maniacs, ha ha! Below you can see the children's pictures and what they wrote. I think they turned out really stinkin' cute! 

This here is a long view of my classroom. See my beautiful reading table. It was designed and made by my dad. Gosh, I am just a lucky girl to have the men in my life be so crafty with woodwork! My dad also made a children's computer desk and different stools for the kids to sit on.  :)

 Here are the adjectives the kids came up with for me. Aren't they too kind! 

I love the lips on this one. She claims to be stylish, my kind of girl! 

This is a completely unrelated picture. Our school had a fundraiser and the children who sold the most chocolate got to throw a pie in the principal and two other teacher's faces. The kids were SOOOOOOOO excited! I had a good chuckle myself! I can't post pics of the pie covered ones because they would probably kill me!

This week we are moving on to controlled-r with ar words. We are going to be doing the Pirate Mark lesson from the wonderful Babbling Abby! I know the kids are just going to be ga-ga over it!

Well fellow readers and bloggers I need to start getting ready to go out. I'm going to the teacher store (love it) and Central Market for lunch with my mom. Sunday is always Mom and Daughter Day. Maybe if I'm good she'll buy me something! (I kid, I kid, errrr, maybe!) Ok see ya!


  1. Hi! I'm Laura from Kinder Kraziness and I just found your blog. I was wondering if you might want to be a part of my Someone New Sunday feature? I try to find new teacher/bloggers who are trying to get a few more followers. If you are interested, please email me at laurastarnes(at)ymail(dot)com

    Kinder Kraziness

  2. Love the self portraits and adjectives!! I just found you and I'm a new follower! Hope you have a wonderful break - we aren't off until the first week of April, and we didn't even get MLK day:( I know I could use it right about now!!
    The Resource(ful) Room
    I'm having a giveaway this week, if you get the chance stop over and enter to win some fab prizes!!

  3. Adjectives are my favorite too and I also can't wait for Spring Break!

    Mrs Poland
    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  4. I love teaching adjective too. But I really love this idea. What a way to teach adjectives and for the students to think about themselves. Thanks for sharing.

    First Grade Delight

  5. Hi there,
    I just nominated you for an award...come on by to pick it up. :o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  6. Hi everyone!

    Thanks for showing me so much love. I really appreciate it. I'm checking out all your blogs in between doing work for the week! I'll do my best to leave a comment on your pages!

  7. I just found your new blog, and i'm your newest follower! Come visit mine when you get a chance :)

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  8. Thank you for following me!! I love your pics! I will add your button to my blog roll & I am now officially stalking you (-;


    The 3AM Teacher

  9. Thanks Michelle! I'll add your button as well!


  10. I totally love your adjective lesson! I am going to do this with my kiddos. I am your newest follower and a new blogger. When you get a chance check our my first grade blog, and follow me if you like it.


  11. What a cute adjective lesson! Love your "stylish" student. I am your newest follower :)


  12. I love the adjective pictures- I may have to steal that idea.

    I'm your newest follower! I also have an award for you on my blog- come on over and check it out!
    First with Franklin
