Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Almost Friday Dance!

Talk about being super busy and trying to throw everything into one week. I don't know how other teachers get through all that they have planned, please share your secrets. I only have one prep time for half an hour(P.E.) every day and I still feel like I can't get through everything.  On the other hand, I have to be their computer, library, art, and everything else teacher, no wonder i'm so tired at the end of the day. But I love it and wouldn't have it any other way! It keeps me busy and makes my day go a lot faster. :)

I've had to cram St. Patty's day stuff because we're on spring break next week. So guess who's causing some mischief in our classroom tonight? Why the leprechaun of course!  Today the children colored Styrofoam cups because the leprechaun will be using his magical powers to turn them into hats ;). If you want to know more about this, type in "leprechaun hats" into the Pinterest search bar. I hear he's also going to mess up our classroom (not happy about this, but it's for the kids and grin). He may or may not leave us some chocolate gold coins. I know the kids are just going to be crazy!

Here's is the letter that the leprechaun will be leaving the children. If you plan on doing this activity you are more than welcome to take it, just click on the picture below. If you would like me to make any changes for you just drop me a line and I will be more than happy to do that for you. :)

I've been terrible at thanking Vicky over at Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After and Danielle over at Twirly Bird Teaching for giving me my first ever blog award...*big smile* :D Isn't it precious! (see below)
I also have to thank Kaleigh over at Kaleigh's Klassroom for giving me a "Top 10 Award"! I've always wanted one of these!!! Thanks so much girl!
I never thought that anyone in a million years would read my blog but I guess putting myself out there did the trick and I'm slowly building up a crowd of followers. Thanks to everyone who took/takes a little time out of their day to read this post and any other thing I post, I really appreciate it. :)

 Top 10 TBA
I think it's time for this tired teacher to start making my assessment for tomorrow. I have a phonics test that the kids love on my TPT store. It's a word document so you can change it to whatever phonemic skill you are working on. Basically the child reads the word and then they have to draw a picture to go with it. I'm telling you whenever it's time for that test the kids get really excited, it's the funniest thing ever. I was NEVER happy to take tests but I'm glad I've made it enjoyable for my students. So if you're interested click on my TPT to the right. 

I'm trying to get better at creating worksheets and I may even dare to create a unit but I'm not very good. I wish there was a course I can take :( or someone please shed some light, please! 

Alright well I don't know when the next time I'll be on here to post anything so have a nice weekend!



  1. I just nominated you for an award, stop by my blog to grab it!

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  2. Hi Judy!

    I found your blog from Kaleigh! I know how it is having to teach all the extras... that was totally me last year! I'm at a new school this year and we have a P.E. and art teacher and it is amazing! Those little extra prep times make a huge difference! That's nice you have a small one every day though! I'm heading over to pinterest right now to search for those leprechaun hats! And I'm excited to be a new follower of your blog!

    Lessons with Laughter

    1. Molly,

      Thanks for sympathizing with me! Some days can get very exhausting!

      Anyway, I started following your cute blog as well and I see that you love the color pink! So do I, it's the best color ever! Well I love magenta but it's the same thing. :)

      I hope you have a happy Friday!!


  3. Thanks for this quite interesting cards.


  4. I am now officially following your blog! Sorry it took so long to get over here...I am backtracking all of my messages to make sure I got back to everyone (-;


    The 3AM Teacher
