Monday, September 26, 2011

A Statement is when you tell someone something.

The title to this particular post refers to what the children are learning in grammar this week. We did a quick lesson in which I had the children think of a statement and cut out a period to paste at the end of their sentence. I figured this would be much more engaging than having them sit there and complete some boring old worksheet.

After they finished, I gave them each two pieces of Fun-Tak so they could hang their statements up on the front wall of my classroom. The children decided it would be a great idea to hang their sentences over their Daily 5 book bag and I couldn't have agreed more. There was lots of movement going around and several students began reading their friends' statements. Children reading out of their own free will makes me one happy teacher :) .

I had seen the use of large punctuation marks hung around the classroom in other blogs, but never large periods. Yea me! I took some pictures of their statements and a huge period I made earlier this morning that I will post below.

On another note, thanks to another teaching blog, I discovered a new way for children to follow print when they are reading by the use of a hot glue gun and some creativity. I purchased felt pom-poms this weekend at my favorite store in the world, Dollar Tree. I had some left over popsicle sticks in my room and glued the pom-poms to the top of it. I showed them to the children this afternoon and there were lots of "oohs and ahhs" and they were sure following along better than usual. Pictures of the pom-pom readers are also below.

I have lots more fun stuff planned for this week where the students will be writing specific details about small houses they designed using simple materials. More on that later. As for me, it's time to unwind and get ready to do it all over again tomorrow!

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