Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week '13: Let's Talk About Me

I love me a good linky party and Blog Hoppin is having an awesome one! Being that I have not done one in forever and a day, I think it's time I participate. I can't participate in tomorrow's linky because guess what? I can't get into my classroom until Friday! Also, next week is an entire week of professional development. I can use all the words of encouragement and prayer I can get. I will be working my little tail off!
My classroom is a blank canvas since it's fairly new.  I have envisioned what I want it to look like so I think I can really get a lot done by Sunday.  Wish me luck!  Anyway, lets talk about me!!!!

1. Even though I love Texas from the moment I stepped foot in the Lone Star State, I am a  girl! I moved from there when I was 25, but I go back every once in a while because it will ALWAYS be home. Plus Jersey food is awesome and I used to live 20 minutes from The City, so it was always fun to try new stuff. ;)  

2. Speaking of Jersey, I LOVE this show, no, not Jersey Shore. RHWONJ!

3. I have a slight obsession with all things bright! I love bright pink, purple, green, you name it! Not my flowers, just some random ones off Google.  So pretty!

4. I love dessert. If I could eat dessert after every meal, I totally would!  

5. I hate working out but I do it anyway (Sometimes :p)! 

6. I probably have the best mom in the world.  She would  take a bullet for me and is there EVERY time I need her.  She was very tough when I was little but that's only cause she had to. She was a single mom and I think she did a bomb diggity job raising me (yes, I totally just said that).

7. I love all things Disney. If I could get either engaged/married there I'd probably die from excitement. See picture below. I think I just about died that day meeting those two!DSCN0728.JPG

8. This is my bestest girlfriend in the whole world WP_000064.jpg.  
We've been friends since the 5th grade and were pretty much soul sisters.  She'd do anything for me and vice-versa.  We are a force to be reckoned with.

9. I love to dance.  I can dance to just about anything! I often just break it down for no apparent reason.  Back in college, I was asked by a friends' friend to tryout to be a background dancer for an MTV show "Wannabe" but I was way to chicken.  No I really wish I would have done it!!!

10. Last but most certainly not least, is my wonderful boyfriend.  We met back in Early February and hit it off immediately.  He has such a lovely and bubbly personality and he gets along with anyone.  He makes me laugh and does what he can to make me feel happy and appreciated.  He loves that I'm a teacher and respects my career and all the effort I put into it.  
He's a good soul and a great man.  I'm a lucky girl!
Us in Galveston in June.

Well that's all for now, don't forget to link up. It's fun being selfish every once in a while!

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