Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'm Slowly Going Crazy!

I think studying for this certification test has turned me into a paranoid, neurotic, and insane person! I've finally finished my first round of studying and I'm going to go over the material that I'm still hasn't sunk in.  Don't get me wrong, the foundations of bilingual are amazing, it's just all these dates, acronyms, laws, stages, etc. are driving me to go mad!!!!! I've been really on edge lately and I know I need to just calm down. I've studied most of this material when I participated in the ENL program at Notre Dame almost two years ago (cobwebs anyone?) But as I'm reading I begin to remember, then slowly forget :|. This almost 20 30, year old brain isn't as sharp as is used to be. :( Well I take the test next Monday, so we shall see.

Okay that's enough test talk for one post. We did the ow/ou sounds this past week and the kids really enjoyed it. I'm sorry that I don't have any pictures to post but like I said test frenzy has taken over my life.  I'll hopefully be back to my usual self after I get the results. Anyway, since we have two short weeks of school coming up due to Easter, I will be doing a unit on the Amazon Rainforest! I want to go all out and turn my classroom into one. I think the kids are going to love it and if all goes well, I'll be sure to post pictures.  The kids will be helping with the construction of it of course.

Are anyone else's kids starting to get spring fever? I know mine are and as much as I try to make things fun, kids will be kids and do silly things! So as I was blog stalking one evening, I saw that one teacher posted something about I checked it out and fell in love.  If you haven't done so already go check it out now.  It's better if you have a projector or smart board because then the children get a better visual representation of it. You can pick a monster or other cute avatars for your students and choose your own positive/negative behaviors that are catered to whichever class you teach.  The kids love the sounds it makes when they get points or get points taken away.  So we'll see how it goes and I need to work on rewards for earning a certain number of points. Ahh! So much to do, so little time!

Okay, I need to go to the library and pick up some books on the rainforest and do some other things, then study!!



  1. I'm your newest follower! Thanks for the dojo link. Are you going to look up rainforest stuff for fun or for your class? If it's for your class come check out my rainforest unit on my blog site. It's Can't wait to see more of your ideas!

    1. Kristina,
      Your unit looks really awesome!! I'm teaching the unit for my class. I really like your ideas and will incorporate some in my lessons these next two weeks. I'm also going to do the leaves and the tree set up in my class. I want to label the levels of the rainforest as we learn about them. I'm really excited!

      Oh yea, I'm also following your blog! :)


  2. YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! Head to my blog to find out what you have to do next!

    Creating & Teaching
