Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Case of the Sunday's

I think the title of this post sums up how I am feeling at this point.  It's my last day of spring break :( and I'm just not ready to go back yet! I have gotten most of my work complete, yea me! On the agenda was, report cards-check, lesson plans-check, Mass readings-Check, daily lessons- uncheck. Oh well, three out of four is not bad. :)

So I was featured in Laura's "Someone New Sunday" post. You can check out what I had to say if you have some extra reading time over at  I think it's so wonderful of her to do that especially since I'm just starting to get more followers.  It's a pretty sweet feeling.
Well this spring break was a very relaxing one. I'll break down my week for ya.

Monday- Hmm, see I thought I would be able to remember what I did on Monday but now I just can't. I think it was a lot of nothing to be honest with you.

Tuesday- Well now that it's been several days I think I'm ready to blog about it.  I had to put my cat Tigger to sleep on Tuesday. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.  He's been a part of my life since he was just a few weeks old.  He lived a pretty good 13 years of life I would say. The weird thing is his birthday was sometime in March. :( Well a few weeks back my mom and I started noticing some odd behaviors in him, just not like him. We took him in and he got some blood work done (poor baby) and he was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism. That's pretty much equivalent to cancer in kitties. The doctor said we could give him medication and that would keep him alive for another 6 to 12 months or give him a radiation treatment. I'm sorry but I just didn't want to see my poor baby suffer that way. It was an extremely difficult thing to do and thank goodness I was with the people I love the most to ease the day.  But he will forever be in my heart. Check him out below, he was always such a handsome fellow. I just love him and will miss him dearly. :*( Oh boy here come the water works....
One thing that did make Tuesday better was that I won Vicky's giveaway. $20 to Target..woo hoo! That was really surprising and neat. Check her out she's so sweet!

Wednesday- Prince Charming and I went up to the really neat park in northern Fort Worth (I think). I'll have to get back to you on the name but it was a very nice day. We saw some pretty neat things on our hike.   I also think I did very well for someone who has never been hiking before. I didn't complain once! :D 
Me looking terrible and pointing to buffalo.

Buffalo..'nuff said!
Butterfly! There were tons of these!

Thursday- I did a lot of nothing again...haha!

Friday- Went to school did lesson plans and re-did my entire library. The kids are going to be amazed when the walk into the class and see this...

It's never been this organized before! I'm so excited!!!! 
Some really great news to share. I am finally paired up with a teacher who lost her school building in the wake of the tornadoes. Her name is Mrs. Tracy Mullins and she teaches first grade.  I went to Target last night and bought her a few things. I'm going to look around my classroom and see what else I can send off for her. I have also written a note up for my parents to see if they want to join in and help Mrs. Mullins.  I feel so great about this and helping another teacher is a beautiful thing!

Well I think that's all for now. My mother and I did mother-daughter hang out day yesterday because she knew I was going to be super busy today.  I'm going to go do some groceries for the week and finish planning some things.

One more thing, I added a weekly weather journal to my TPT store. I'm selling it for $1. Go check it by clicking on my tab. It's perfect for firsties and even some second graders.  It's also my very first product that I am selling, so I'm nervous!

Okay time for me to get started on worrying about me, haha. Thanks for visiting and if it's your first time, please follow my blog and I'll be sure to return the favor.


  1. Found your blog through Someone New Sunday on Kinder Kraziness! I am now your newest follower!

    Please stop by my blog soon!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard that is. Your post made me cry. RIP Tigger.


    1. Thanks Tricia I really appreciate that. :*)

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and following me!
    I am now following you

    Ms. Patterson
    Pocket Full of Kinders

  4. Sorry to hear about Tigger...looking at the buffalo I think the place is Ft Worth Nature Center and Refuge..if so, I love it there..we do some 5k runs there and it is awesome! Sunday nights are the hardest, especially for the boys, getting ready for bedtime was difficult!! I do think they were ready to see their friends, they got up with no problem and anxious :-) hope you have a great Monday!!!

    1. Thank you for the sentiments! Yes, your right on with the name. It was a really neat place but we couldn't see some of it because of some flooding :(. Oh well maybe next time!.

  5. Thank you Deb! I'm following you as well!

  6. I'm so glad I found your blog! I'm one of your newest followers, AND I've nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! (Even though I did almost shed a tear for you and your baby...I'm so sorry for your loss)

    Anywho, HAPPY THOUGHTS for your new award! Click on over to check it out!

    Just Tinkerin Around

  7. Thanks for entering my giveaway! Your blog is so cute! I'm a new follower!

    Cheers to School
