Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Meet "Poo-Poo Teacher"

There are days in teaching that I refer to myself as "poo-poo teacher". I know how mature of me right? I just don't feel on my A-game or that I've done enough to reach out to the kids. If you haven't noticed I'm very hard on myself and part of the problem is, is that I'm going to bed VERY late. Not because I'm staying up watching television or doing random nothingness, I'm planning for the next day. Thinking how I'm going to get my kids motivated. Some think I'm crazy but I truly *love* what I do. And when I get passionate about something, watch out! I  mean, I seriously have the best job EVER! My kids love me (darn I forgot to take a pic of the adjectives they used to describe me, SO CUTE). If anyone ever needs an ego boost, come visit first grade.  HAHA!

Anyway going back to my tiredness, see exhibit A: Here below you see my coffee table filled with only school stuff. Grading that I need to catch up on, updating my teaching portfolio and more things to plan. By the way, isn't my coffee table lovely. I told prince charming I would post about it and being the kind and humble person he is, he just shook his head in disapproval. Well of course I didn't listen and I posted a picture anyway. He made me this beautiful table as my Christmas present since I just moved into my apt. in December and didn't have much furniture. It's really detailed and I just <3 him all the more for it.  Best guy hands down! :)  
 Exhibit B: This has nothing to do with teaching at all. I went to IKEA on Saturday with charming and I picked up this adorable little lamp. Okay if there's one thing you need to know about me, it's that I love the color magenta. Do you see my headphones, super magenta! And my Hello Kitty! Bookmark, (I'm totally not into her at all, I just love collecting bookmarks!)

Okay I think that's all I will post for this evening. I need to make an "er, ir, ur" sheet for tomorrow. A teacher's work is never done. Before I forget, I'll do my best to take pics of the kids' adjectives pics from tomorrow and the one they did for me.  Again, totally not my idea, (I <3 Pinterest!) Night!

Oh and one final thing I promise, First Grade Delight is having  a wonderful giveaway for reaching 200 followers! Isn't that wonderful! Please go visit her page for great teaching tips! She's also teamed up with her blogger buddy for another great giveaway. Click on the pic to see :) First Grade Delight


  1. Lol..your table looks better than mine and I'm not one to bring work home with me...your a great teacher and I'm always happy to hear what Matthew learns about..he is still talking about statute of liberty :-)

  2. Aww! Thank you Mrs. Guzman, I really appreciate it! It's really nice to hear that from time to time. :)

  3. Hi Judy - great blog! So glad I found you. I think we can all relate to teaching = can get tiring, etc. Love the table though. :o) I'm your newest follower. Swing by my blog sometime I just posted pics from Dr. Seuss Day.
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  4. Hi Vicky! Thanks for the love! I'll be sure to become a follower of yours as well! I was reading all about your Dr. Seuss Day, it seemed like it was tons of fun!

