Sunday, February 19, 2012

Finally a full week of school!

Yea, that's my title for today's post. I feel like we haven't been in school for a full week in so long! That takes a toll on me and my students. It means that I have to cram everything in into three days because my kids have tests on Fridays.

This week is going to be NUTS! We have Presidents' Day tomorrow (which I just found a cute lesson for on TPT, phew), then Tuesday is Fat Tuesday and since I work in a Catholic school, it's kind of a big deal. I bought my kiddo's some beads at Dollar Tree (I love you DT) and they will be super excited to wear them because first graders get excited for anything! We will also have pancakes for a morning snack...can I get a yum? Then we have Ash Wednesday which means going to Mass first thing in the morning.

All in all, it's going to be a Crazy week. Oh yea almost forgot, we have our school's biggest fundraiser in two weeks and I haven't even started it! Sorry getting my kids to read is just way more important, but that's my opinion. So I have to take loads of pictures to make a first grade photo book so it can get auctioned off. Teachers are also asked to donate their time to be auctioned off. For the past two years I've done "go to the movies with Ms. Campos" but it's getting old. I REALLY want to do Manicures with Ms. Campos but that leaves out the boys in my class to get a chance to get that auctioned off. BLAH! I think I'll do the manicure this year and do something geared for everyone next year.

Speaking of the fundraiser, guess what I did on Friday. I actually brought my camera to school but left the charger at home. Way-to-go judy! It's okay, I'm going to put the charger into my bag after I finish posting.
So this past week we finished up Frog and Toad which they enjoyed. We compared and contrasted Frog and Toad then I read them information about real frogs and toads and compared and contrasted them. They then did a quick little writing assignment and craftivity to go along with it. It was great, I stole it off Pinterest. So it totally wasn't my idea. I'll take pics of those and post it.

We're moving on to adding 10 to a number this week and I'm excited because the kids always enjoy learning something difficult or as I say..Second grade always motivates them to try harder. I'll have to find cute ways to teach that.

I think i've been living under a rock because I just started reading and she's Uh-mazing! I've stumbled on it before but never really honed in on her blog. She just posted something on "sound boards" as opposed to word walls...way cooler if you ask me. I want to do this so badly. I'm going to see where I can get pretty colored paper like hers and apply that concept in my classroom. So simple and unique, I love it! Well, I guess it's time for me to get ready. I need to find that paper and pick up my mom to have a mom/daughter hangout day. See you tomorrow with pics? (I hope)

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