Monday, August 26, 2013

Tired is an Understatement!

I apologize for not being around much but I was finally let into my classroom on the 16th.  That entire weekend I spent slaving away at making my classroom look perfect (in my eye) for my little first graders.
Well here in TX, they made us do an entire week of professional development (fun) and then we were free, to work in our classrooms.  I must say, teachers are the most dedicated and hardest working people I know.  I was at school for 12-13 hours EVERY DAY since last night.  I am beyond exhausted! But guess what....I survived my first day of school!  I have 18 cute little first graders, who were doing first grader things and I am so happy to be back.  I must say that I do have my work cut out for me, but I think it's going to be an awesome year.  I need to drill them with procedures so that I and they can have a great year.

I just wanted to end this post with a sneak peak of my room.  I promise to take better pictures and do a classroom picture overload on my next post and go into detail as to what my goals and plans are.  For now, it's time to brush my teeth and go to bed so I can have energy for tomorrow! Or they will eat me alive!


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Completely Revamped Math Meeting Sheet (Calendar Journal)

After much tossing and turning on this one, I have finally come up with my follow along with the morning meeting sheet.  I had one that I made a few years back and to be quite honest, I didn't love it.
I looked over several calender journals on TPT and everything I found just wasn't what I was looking for. Don't get me wrong, there are some great ones out there but I want to challenge my first graders and trust me I do.

I've decided that I'm going to leave the calender journal free for a few days.  I will be charging $1 after Sunday because I worked very hard on it, so grab it while it's free!!!

 Click on the picture below to send you to my store! There's two pages that go along with the Math Meeting Sheet. Let me know what you think. :)


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

In the Freebie Mood

Since I can't get into my classroom yet, (ugh) I decided to make a classroom labels.
The labels are fairly simple and won't waste too much ink.  I wanted to do blackline but I can't spend anymore money on ink, fo' realz!  I really don't speak like that!

Anyway, you know the deal. Click on the pic to take you to my TPT store. If you decide to download it, let me know what you think.  I've been putting a lot of freebies out there but not many people have commented.

Have a good evening!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week '13: Let's Talk About Me

I love me a good linky party and Blog Hoppin is having an awesome one! Being that I have not done one in forever and a day, I think it's time I participate. I can't participate in tomorrow's linky because guess what? I can't get into my classroom until Friday! Also, next week is an entire week of professional development. I can use all the words of encouragement and prayer I can get. I will be working my little tail off!
My classroom is a blank canvas since it's fairly new.  I have envisioned what I want it to look like so I think I can really get a lot done by Sunday.  Wish me luck!  Anyway, lets talk about me!!!!

1. Even though I love Texas from the moment I stepped foot in the Lone Star State, I am a  girl! I moved from there when I was 25, but I go back every once in a while because it will ALWAYS be home. Plus Jersey food is awesome and I used to live 20 minutes from The City, so it was always fun to try new stuff. ;)  

2. Speaking of Jersey, I LOVE this show, no, not Jersey Shore. RHWONJ!

3. I have a slight obsession with all things bright! I love bright pink, purple, green, you name it! Not my flowers, just some random ones off Google.  So pretty!

4. I love dessert. If I could eat dessert after every meal, I totally would!  

5. I hate working out but I do it anyway (Sometimes :p)! 

6. I probably have the best mom in the world.  She would  take a bullet for me and is there EVERY time I need her.  She was very tough when I was little but that's only cause she had to. She was a single mom and I think she did a bomb diggity job raising me (yes, I totally just said that).

7. I love all things Disney. If I could get either engaged/married there I'd probably die from excitement. See picture below. I think I just about died that day meeting those two!DSCN0728.JPG

8. This is my bestest girlfriend in the whole world WP_000064.jpg.  
We've been friends since the 5th grade and were pretty much soul sisters.  She'd do anything for me and vice-versa.  We are a force to be reckoned with.

9. I love to dance.  I can dance to just about anything! I often just break it down for no apparent reason.  Back in college, I was asked by a friends' friend to tryout to be a background dancer for an MTV show "Wannabe" but I was way to chicken.  No I really wish I would have done it!!!

10. Last but most certainly not least, is my wonderful boyfriend.  We met back in Early February and hit it off immediately.  He has such a lovely and bubbly personality and he gets along with anyone.  He makes me laugh and does what he can to make me feel happy and appreciated.  He loves that I'm a teacher and respects my career and all the effort I put into it.  
He's a good soul and a great man.  I'm a lucky girl!
Us in Galveston in June.

Well that's all for now, don't forget to link up. It's fun being selfish every once in a while!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Another Spanish Freebie

You know those roll the dice and write the word activities, well I had yet to find one in Spanish. So my little brain got to work and I created this bad boy...
If you click on the picture it will take you to my store where you can download this for FREE.  Don't you just love that word?  I'm on a roll making all this stuff for my class! No pun intended :)

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Number Poster Freebie

While Pinning the other day, I stumpled upon First Grade Teacher Lady's number posters. Her blog is fab! Well I needed numbers to 20 but she only had them till 10, so I got to work with her inspiration!

Just click on the picture above to take you to my store where you can download these puppies for free!  I worked really hard on it so I hope you can use them in your classroom!

This post will be short and sweet because I'm so tired!

Also, since my room is still being put together, I can't get in my classroom!! I am slowly driving myself crazy because I want my room to be finished!  Looks like I will be going crazy next week (if they let me in!).


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Spanish and English Behavior Freebie

I've been looking at those behavior stages where it says "Ready to Learn, Think about it, etc." Well I decided to cut out most of them and just stick to three.  For me personally, I don't like having all those options for the kids.  I focus a lot on behavior management during the first few weeks of school so that throughout the rest of the school year, disciple isn't that much of a problem.  Well if you would like a copy of what I made, click on the picture below. :)