Sunday, July 22, 2012

You have to do this Linky!!

Mrs. Lemons over at step into second grade is having a really fun linky party. I love me a good party, I only wish there was music.

Anyway, click on the picture to take you to the linky!!

1. I LOVE x 10 the color magenta. Not light pink, beautiful magenta!!

2. I'm 29 years old. Everyone that meets me thinks, I'm either in high school or going off to college. They ask me if I'm sure that I'm a teacher. I don't think people realize how seriously annoying and frustrating that is!! I know I should take it as a compliment but when you get it ALL-THE-TIME, it's aggravating!  I even had one parent walk into my classroom and ask me where the teacher was, she thought I was an eighth grader, not cool!!!

3. I love Orchids . They are just so pretty! Reminds me of wanting to be somewhere tropical!

4. Although I have four siblings we are all half-siblings! My mom was married in '76 had my brother Stewart, my dad had my sister Elizabeth in Peru in '80, my mom and my brother's dad got divorced then a few years later met my dad and had me in '83. Then my parents divorced when I was turning seven and he remarried and had my brother Robert in '91 and Melanie in '95. My mother never remarried after she and my father divorced.  Crazy family structure, but I love them all! :)

5. I hate shopping for clothes, shoes, etc. But I love shopping for classroom supplies!! I seriously have a problem. 

6. I have the flattest feet ever, Fred Flintstone anyone?

7. I have the most beautiful nephew and niece, EVER!! 

8. I constantly have to shake my foot because it makes me feel good, haha!

9. I LOVE Harry Potter!! I cried happy tears when I went to The Wizarding World of  Harry Potter last year, lol, who does that!? 

10. I love Disney World and anything Disney for that matter! 

11. Speaking of Disney, my favorite Disney movie is 

That's all for now..go link up!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Comprehension Questions Freebie

Have you all seen these cute little comprehension stars on Pinterest? Questions to ask before, during, and after reading. You have to purchase these but I'm sure you can come up with your own and for real cheap.
Well I wanted them but you have to pay for a membership to dl them. I don't know about you but I'm all about saving money!

Comprehension is something I need to work on with my students.  It's something I feel that I need to get better in teaching.  So I made my own comprehension stars :p.

I labeled the picture so you can see which ones will be used during a specific time during my teacher/student reading conference.

On the file, I labeled the stars on each page so you know which time they belong to. I also spaced them out so you can print them on colored card-stock paper like I did.

Click here to go to the stars


Why am I up so late?

I was blogging around just doing my thing and I stumbled upon Grade Three is the Place for Me's blog.  She is currently having a linky party to "meet" new bloggers. 

Here are the questions: 
    1.  what state you are in
    2.  your current teaching position
    3.  your teaching experience
    4.  when you started blogging
    5.  share a blogging tip / blogging resource

Here's my info...

1. I am in Texas! I'm originally from NJ but I moved here four years ago on July 23.
2. I was recently hired as a third grade bilingual teacher.
3. I started doing my educating thing back when I was 19. I worked in a daycare center throughout college. After I graduated, I taught Kindergarten for a year. When I moved to Texas I was hired as the first grade teacher. My teaching experiences (except for daycare) have all been in Catholic Schools. My dream has been to work as a bilingual teacher in the public schools. I am finally living my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. I started my blog in October/November of 2011 but I wasn't getting any hits. I really started putting myself out there this past March. I am dying to get to my 100 followers!
5. I'm no Babbling Abby, but I say be yourself and try to reply to people who comment you!!''

That's all! I will try to have a comprehension freebie for you all tomorrow! Buenas noches!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Quick Post..Freebie

During Daily 5, I like to work with my students one on one. So I decided to make this quick little reference sheet to help the students and I know when we will be working together. I think I am going to add the names the night before so when the students walk in and choose their station they will know that we need to work together.

Here you go!
It's bilingual! If you want English only, let me know. :) Click on the picture to dl your freebie!


Another Project and Pictures!

Hello blog friends! I hope you are all still enjoying whatever is left of your summer vacations. I know I am. It's going to be really hard getting back into a routine of going to bed by 10 and waking up at 5:30. I suddenly have an urge to sing out the lyrics to some 90's song to my dear sweet friend summertime. It goes something like this..."please don't go, please don't go, hey I love you soooo, and I wan't you to know..." ha ha. I'm done!

Moving on...

I found this   from second grade style and decided that I loved it and I needed to make one. So last week while I was looking around Wal-mart I saw that they were busily putting things in order for "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", back to school. Well they had this cute magnet board..HELLO, it's pink!!! and I knew I had to have.  I didn't buy it because I figured I'd sit and wait on it until I really thought I needed it. So last night, I decided that I really did need it, lol! And I got to work! See below for the items you will need. I didn't take a picture of the tape because that's pretty self-explanatory! As you can see I didn't number them yet because I don't know how many students I will have yet. They say around 22, but we shall see.

Cute right. Now let me just do a photo dump and show you pictures of random things I have been doing. Seriously, my living room is a hot mess. Not to mention my closets where all my other school stuff is still in! On top of that I already did two car trips worth of stuff to drop off in my classroom!! And I still have a bit more shopping to do! ;) Okay picture time.

Just a random picture of calender, alphabet, and some Daily 5 things I'm creating!

I promise to be more organized with this bad boy!

My CAFE Pensieve. I regret not doing one last year, but this year will be different!

Seriously how cute are these buckets!! I bought the buckets at walmart $10 each and the stickers from Hobby Lobby!

These lanterns are going to go over one of my bulletin boards, to spice things up a bit. Also from walmart.

I also bought polka dot ribbon to hang the pom-poms which I will get around to doing today!

Tomorrow, I do one final coat of paint in my classroom and then I can start hanging stuff up on the walls!! :) I can't wait til they move all the junk out of my room!!!

Okay, I think that puts me up to date. Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Simple Craft...

Well if you can call it a craft then that's what it shall be! I am the most non-creative person in the history of EVER! My art skills are lacking (seriously, I'm on par with a first grader) but when it comes to my classroom, I try very hard!

I saw something on Pinterest where this lady mentioned that she didn't like using Post-it notes for her CAFE Menu. Well guess what? Neither do I. The Post-its fall off and it's really annoying, so my brain got to thinking. Well the lady used stove covers on her Menu so her kids could use magnets to write their names, or what is dry erase markers, well whatever, I stepped it up a notch!  I went to Target, specifically the dollar section (LOVE), okay, okay, I wondered off to the office section as well. Anyway, I found the small white boards. I bought four for the CAFE menu so my students can write their names under the reading strategy they need to work on.

Boring black whiteboard blah! Add a little magic, well some paint pens...

With a little time and effort....

YEA! I did it! :)

My biggest suggestion and I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of it, just take some note taking paper to slide under the frame so your white board doesn't get dirty. This is very important, if you want overall coverage!

It took me about half-hour to complete and the paint pens are pretty much odorless!

I'm going to finish my other boards in the other colors because I am obsessed with colors!

My CAFE menu is going to look great I'm so excited..and no more Post-it Notes flying off my Menu!!

When I finish the rest of the boards I will take a picture of them. Then I will show you a picture of my CAFE menu once I can get into my classroom!!

Happy 4th peeps!!!

This may be easier to Pin! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012


It's that time of the month for us bloggers! No, not that time of the month, ha ha! The one where we all link up with Farley!! :)

Here is mine:

So I LOVE  soooooooo much! My eighth grade substitute teacher (she took over my teacher who was maternity leave..glad she was gone cause I wasn't crazy about her, the sub was AMAZING!) Anyway, she read this to us and it was love from that moment on. I always read it to my classes and some of them are still way to young to understand the true meaning of the book.  Appreciate those that love you, while you still can.

Second, . I honestly don't know how I taught before this. So glad my ex co-worker turned me on to it. The kids love it and it just makes teaching so much easier!  Can't wait to try it with my new third grade class.

I did some shopping today at Walmart and got some goodies! I hate shopping for myself but I love shopping for my classroom. There's just something about it! :)

Okay time to comment on my 3!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

CAFE and Daily 5 Signs

I've been very busy cracking away at what I want my classroom to look like. I'm so close to picking out a paint color and will probably paint the following week. I want my classroom to look beautiful and inviting.  I can't wait to get started.  Now if they would only turn the air on every day at the school that would be wonderful!!!


I saw that 3rd grades a hoot had made beautiful CAFE and Daily 5 signs and I am totally digging her color theme.  I know she used it last year in her classroom but is moving on to owls this year. So I decided that I needed/wanted to do the superhero theme in my room.  Well as you know I'm going to be teaching bilingual children so I made the signs in English and Spanish.  Full credit is going to her because she designed it and I just catered it to my needs.  Well if you go to my TPT store you can pick both the CAFE and Daily 5 signs up for free. If you click on both pictures, it will take you to the specific page where you can download them. Enjoy!!