Thursday, June 21, 2012

My "New" Clasroom

Hello all!

Well, I finally was able to take a tour of my new school and see my classroom.  Perhaps it would have been better if I set my expectations of it to a very low, low standard. Then I wouldn't have had shocked face. I was going to take pictures of it but I was quite bummed out so I didn't even take out my camera.

My principal said that I was going to be in the "orange room". At first I was kind of like, Oh Gosh what am I getting myself in to.  But once I walked in I saw that it was literally the "orange room". A teacher that had been there a few years back thought it would be a good idea to paint two large walls...any guesses? That's right, orange. YUCK! I'm talkin' University of Texas Orange. Don't get me wrong, if you went to this University that's great and all but really? Was that really necessary?

My principal said that I'm more than welcome to paint it and you bet I am. I already went to pick out some paint swatches and have a few colors in mind. It's either going to be a very, very, light blue, or I might just stick with plain old white and brighten up the room.

Oh yes, the room was also the "let's dump everything in here room" but he promised it would all be removed. Once I get my hands on that room, I promise it will look beautiful.  I'm totally type A, love organization, and a clean work space, so it will be done.

The boyfriend is going to help me paint because he's wonderful like that and I know zero about painting, lol!

I think I was just very over-whelmed because I wasn't expecting a huge mess, but now that I think about it, I can really make it my own.

I guess I'm just spoiled from my previous classroom because the room was SOOOOOOOOOO large and everything was new. I made that room just to my liking and it was sad taking it down.

Oh well, I'm just having fun pinning and getting ideas of what I want my room to look like. It's my wallet that's going to hurt. :(

Okay, I think that's a good update for now. See ya later!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

My To-Do's and Other Things

Hello there blog land peeps!  I think I needed some time away from my blog to stop and smell the roses so-to-speak.  I just wanted me time to reflect on how much my life is changing (for the better).

I promised myself that after my little hiatus, I would start worrying about teacher stuff. I know it's only June but you know how time flies!! Before you know it, it will be the night before the first day of school and all that good stuff.

I want to read a book called "What Your Third Grader Needs to Know" What Your Third Grader Needs to Know (Revised Edition): Fundamentals of a Good Third-Grade Education (Core Knowledge Series)
They have it at my library and since the library and I have become best friends these last few weeks, I figure I should be done with it in no time.

I read something like that when I was studying for my first set of Texas certification exams way back when. It helped me out a lot.

Next, and which I have kind of started already...I want to reach out and "meet" other bilingual teachers. I think it's the best way for me to learn and grow.

Also, I need to change my blog name!! I have to contact Erin over at Creating and Designing to change my header from "A First Grade Teaching Blog" to  "A Third Grade Bilingual Blog"  I really like the sound of that..:D

I have also started pinning like a mad woman for my third grade board on Pinterest. The thing is though, I'm not really sure what I'm going to be teaching so it's hard!! I want to get into my classroom already and have a go!

Well I think that is all I have to offer you for tonight..I'm going to be really good and post something for my other blog Life, Love, and all the In Between


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Good Bye First Grade...Hello Third!

Yes, I have officially accepted a third grade teaching position in a school district.  Not only is it third grade, but it's bilingual third grade. :)  I'm really excited to start my new teaching adventure.  I am going through lots of emotions but over all I am happy and can't wait to get started. :)  For now I am just enjoying my summer break.

Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Big Changes Coming My Way

Yes, that's what I said...big changes folks.  I'm about ( ) <---- that close to switching grade levels and schools. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time.  Throughout my teaching career, I've always taught in Catholic Schools and just the thought of public school fills my heart with so much joy and more nerves.  What if I don't like it, what if they don't like me, what if I'm not ready..ahhh I know, stop over thinking!

I don't want to give too much away until it's official but like I said big changes..haha.

Well, I don't want to post too much tonight because I'm feeling over-whelmed with other things, plus I really, really want ice-cream :(.

Night everyone!