Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quick Post

Below is a quick version of my file that's available on TPT if you don't want to log in and do all that mumbo jumbo! Enjoy it! All you do is write random letters on the board and have the kids write words that they right on the lines. It's easier if you have sheet protectors because that saves on making all those copies!

Click on the picture and it's all yours!

Tomorrow I will provide an update and pictures of our turkeys in disguise I promise!!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy November..wait, what?

Can you all believe that it's already November? Well I definitely can't! I know I always say this but we truly have been so very busy. I always have such wonderful things going on in my classroom but silly me keeps forgetting to put the memory stick(?) back into my camera. I think I mentioned in another post that I take pictures of the children's spelling words and put them in a digital frame. Which I haven't done in two weeks, SHAME ON ME! But I will do my best to take pictures of it tomorrow.

We have been learning about R and S blends this week and I think it would be wonderful if we could make smores :). I'm crazy, I know! I found this wonderful lesson to go along with so it will be the perfect touch! I found it on TPT, where else? Here's the link
After we make our smores, I will have the children do a small writing activity to describe the smore fun they had. If you click on the picture below you can download your own copy. I will also be adding it to my TPT store.

Getting off topic just a bit, it is SOOOOOOO windy here tonight. They say a cold front is coming in. Grrrr, I hate cold fronts, but my prince charming begs to differ with me, ;). But yes, I hate the cold. HATE! Okay, I'm finished complaining.

Ah yes before I forget, my little firsties have their first Mass this Friday. I will be honest when I say I get more nervous than they do and I don't even have to read! I know they will do great because they have practiced so hard. I can't wait!

Okay it's getting to be about that time where my eyes are starting to get very heavy! I will do my best to post pictures of the smores and their writing assignment. Buenas Noches!