Sunday, August 17, 2014

My classroom 2014-2015

I have worked my little tail off for an entire week trying to get my room ready. I will leave you all with some pictures for your viewing pleasure!

The odd and even are an idea from Tunstall's Blog. I just wanted them in pink and blue! :)

Subway art from Hope King!

My organizers from Learning in Wonderland!!

My AR tracker..:)

My dad made that table for me several years back!

Lovin' my frames for anchor charts!

Yep, I made that deco mesh wreath!

I have set stations for the kids, so they are not walking around aimlessly, cause you know, they would never do that!!

I would say that I am pretty happy with my room. If there is anything here that you like, leave me a message and I probably have it available OR can direct you on where to get it!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Bilingual Hand Signals

Hi friends! Today I am bringing a freebie for my bilingual peeps.  If you are strict on classroom management, like any good teacher, then you probably use hand signals in class to minimize the noise level....ahem...calling out!

Click on the first picture to take you to your freebie.  At this moment, I am leaving the images as is. So if you have a special request it may be a while.  I finally get to work in my room tomorrow, so free time has gone out the window!

If you want them in English, let me know because that's an easier task to complete. :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Join the Linky Party

Hi guys!  I decided to attempt something different with my blog today!  I wanted to create a linky party for us bloggers who aren't as popular as the big names.  We all know who they are...I could be here all day listing them!  Well, I decided to create a linky party that would get us small-time bloggers out there...make us, you know, "popular"  I can't help but to think of Wicked the musical every time I say the word, popular!

This blog will be a fun way to get to know other bloggers and help give them some traffic to their blog!  I think it'll be fun and you may even make some new friends along the way!  So what do you need to do to join?  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

First, right click on the picture below and save it or copy it into your blog post. Please make sure you link the picture back to my blog so that others can link their blogs down below.

Next answer these questions about yourself.
1. How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
2. What is your role in the education field?
3. What is your Pinterest name so we can follow you. (if you have one..or you can put your facebook fan page as well)
4. What is one 'nerdy' thing you do that we can get a good laugh out of!

Here are my answers:
1.  I started blogging in 2011 because I saw that others were doing it, so I said, "Hey, why not!  I stopped blogging for several months in 2013 but now have tried to slowly get back into it.
2. I am a first grade bilingual teacher in Texas! I love what I do!!!
3. Pinterest name is- judyc1983
4. One nerdy thing about me is I LOVE Harry Potter! I am a super fan! Also, I could get contacts, but I love wearing my pink glasses!

I only ask that you go visit other bloggers and leave them comments to show the love! I know they will appreciate it!

Let me know what you think!

Post your blog link information below!

Let's get POPULAR!!!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Math Freebie

Hey guys!
I was bored so I decided to whip up this quick freebie for you! It's a quick and fun little way to see if your kids can count on! :)

Click on the picture to take you to the file!
