Sunday, July 27, 2014

I'm Throwing a Sale Tomorrow!!

For those of you that read or purchase things from my store, I have decided to throw a little sale starting tomorrow until Thursday!  I am going to be slashing prices on my interactive notebooks and other items! So visit my store tomorrow!! :) Also, I am about 11 followers away from 100 on TPT.  Please follow my store for freebies and other goodies! When I make it to 100, I will be posting a freebie for you all! :)

Click on the picture to take you to my store!

Friday, July 25, 2014

A Little Freebie

My goal for this school year is to become better at teaching writing.  I think it's something I have been struggling with and I want to be great at teaching it.  With that in mind, I decided to create a bilingual poster for my class.  You can click on the images below to take you to the file.  I hope you enjoy this freebie! Leave me a comment, if you did!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Yesterday was a Math Freebie..Today it's an ELA one!!

Are you interested in an editable phonics test? If you answered "Yes" than you're in luck! I had this posted in my store when I first started creating TPT stuff back in 2011 and it was just so sad. LOL! So i decided it most definitely needed a make over!!

All you have to do is just insert whatever phonics words you are working on for the week and BOOM...done!

Anyway, I won't take up too much of your time. If you're interested, click on the picture to download it for FREE!! See, I love my followers! So make sure you are following me here or on TPT....please!! :)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Math Freebie!

Happy Sunday folks!  Just a quick little post and freebie for you.  I think it's always important to set a foundation for children before you always get into the "meat" of what they will be learning for the year.  With that in mind, I decided to create a fun little Interactive Notebook lesson that I've seen all over the place.  The "Math About Me" concept but interactive notebook style!

I have created some pages that you can just print and go and others are editable to fit whatever text you'd like to write!

I hope you enjoy this little freebie! Leave me some love on TPT if you enjoyed it! Click on the cover photo to take you to my TPT store!

Friday, July 18, 2014


Hi guys, it's been a really long time since I've come on here to just blab about what's going on with my life.  I don't know if anyone reads this silly ol' blog...but my hope is that it brings comfort, joy, and lots of laughs to someone out there in this big old bloggy world!

So, where do I begin? How about I just start with summer.  I ended school back in June, the first week of it to be exact.  I swore to sleep in late, exercise, eat well, and not think of school until July.  Yea, well, ya wanna make God laugh...tell him your plans!  I did exercise and I had up until last Monday...we'll get to that...So anyway..I started created stuff for TPT...and then I get all mad-crazy type and would stay up really late and create more and more stuff.  My boyfriend calls me the machine!!!!!!! Haha, I disagree!

Anyway, I stopped working as hard last Monday because I had surgery.  Dental surgery *cue gasp*  Yes, everyone fears the dentist...well in my case, the Oral Surgeon.  I was always so brave as a little kid. My dentist loved me, he would tell my mom how I was the only child who never cried. Little did he know that I was EXTREMELY shy.  So, to even cause I scene, I'd rather eat dirt!  Not anymore though. I've come out of my little shy shell since then.  Don't get me wrong, I hate talking on the phone with someone I don't know, I get like terrible anxiety and have to think about what the hell I'm going to say #introverteproblems.

Where was I...ah, yes, Monday. So my big goal of this summer was to finally get my braces in.  I have been going back in forth with this since 2010 and I said, "no more", I want a beautiful smile and darn, I'm going to have a nice smile!  Well, my ortho and dentist both agreed that 8 teeth should be pulled.  I was already okay with it because I had been to the ortho years ago and he said the same thing, so I wasn't as surprised, I was ready. Let's do this! So I did.  My sweet boyfriend, K, drove me to the surgeon and before all that I was giving all these meds to get me ready for the surgery..I had to take an anxiety pill an hour before cause I was all nerves..and not of steal.  Well, bf, went into the room with me but before I was put to sleep they said he could stay only up until they shoot me with the intravenous shot. That's all I remember, and I'm so very thankful for that! I remember getting into bed..but I don't remember him driving me home or helping me up the stairs..NADA! He had to go back to work after that so luckily my sweet mom was there to take care of me.  Did I mention she's the best mother in this whole universe? Well, she is!

Can I just say, for someone that had 8 teeth pulled, I took it like a boss.  I really didn't have any complications, what-so-ever. It was awesome!  The only discomfort I did have was my right lower gum, where I had stitches put it.  But no dry socket, woo hoo! Here's a picture of me after surgery, I was still a bit out of it, can you tell?

Well, yesterday I went to the ortho for my first real visit...AKA the down payment....(let's not talk about it). I got molds done, which was not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I also got the wonder spacers put in between my molars and OMG, let me just say, I would rather get wisdom teeth pulled all the time, instead of these damn spacers.  My teeth are so sensitive and it just feels so uncomfortable.  I have to keep taking ibuprofen to help with the pain, it's awful!

Okay, enough about my teeth!  I don't think I shared with you guys that my boyfriend and I got a puppy back in March. It all happened all of a sudden, kind of like, "I really want a puppy..." My boyfriend looks at me and goes, "uh, okay!" So we searched online for over an hour and finally he was like, "OMG BABE, look at this little one...." and let me tell you it was love at first sight!!!  Here's a picture a two weeks after we got her, so she was a little bigger in the picture...I have one of her from the moment we got her but it's on my phone and i'm too lazy to get up and get it!  So this picture will have to do! Seriously, isn't she precious!! Her name is Reese's like the chocolate. But these days she goes by Ree Ree or Reese's Pieces....:)

This is her now...
She is still my baby! She's also very smart. I love talking to her, she responds well and is a fast learner.  

Other than that, life has been pretty good. I'm not ready for school to start. I love summer and lazy days.  

I will just leave you with this thing I've been working on.  My kids do Accelerated Reader and I hated my point board that I I decided to redo it completely. I am going with a Melonheadz theme because they are super, cute!! 

This is just a sample..I have a start circle, points from 5-100 (counting by 5's) and an end piece.  You can click here if you'd like to check it out.

Alright, I am going to watch a movie with the bf, he's waiting for me to start it. Have a great night!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Spanish Freebie

I finally created the freebie for my Spanish teacher friends out there! Have you seen those fun magnet stations where kids build words?  Well, I went ahead and created one in Spanish!!!  I couldn't find anything like it, so I decided, hey, why not!

If you click on the first picture it will take you to my TPT store where you can download it for free! I hope you enjoy your little freebie! :) Let me know what you think!

Also, if have Pinterest and you are interested in some more wonderful Spanish products and classroom ideas...please follow the Super Maestros Contributors won't regret it!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Look what I finished...:)

I finished my interactive grammar packet last night! I am so proud of it because I worked very hard on it to make sure it would be something super useful for my kiddos and my customers.  It's filled with the grammar component of what the kids should know before they go on to second grade.

I have listed a brief description of what is included in the grammar packet at my teacher store.  I know materials in Spanish are totally hard to come by so I just love creating them for bilingual teachers like myself. :)

Before I post pictures, I want to do something special for you guys, my readers.  I would like to create a useful freebie for you of something that you would like to use in your classroom or just whatever you need.  So, in the comments, leave me some suggestions as to what you would like your next freebie to be. I'm out of ideas and I want it to be something useful for you!  I haven't put out a freebie in a while and I really enjoy doing that.

So let me know below what you want!

Okay, here are some pics to go with my grammar pack.  Click on the first picture to take you to my store...

If you want to check out my phonics packet click on the picture below

If you would like the bundled packet click on the picture below

Have a great rest of your weekend guys!