Sunday, August 19, 2012

If You Give a Teacher a Classroom She'll Want....

To go crazy! I just love that blog title. I tried to think of something creative and fun for today's short and sweet post.  Most of you do know Laura Numeroff's books, right?? They are fab!  I also feel like most of those characters because once I start one task, I don't finish it and head on over to another, ha ha!  Which leads me to...

A sneak peak of my classroom!!!  I have a before and after, a picture of the wall color to say R.I.P orange, and my cute little teacher desk (which I never sit at).  I just have to thank my friend B, my mom, pinterest, and all you blogger friends out there. I was so inspired this year to really make my room my own. Okay here you go...I will try and post more pictures this week..there's a ton!! I'm just too tired to upload.  Oh yea, I don't have desks yet but they will be coming in this week or come next Monday, we'll all be standing. ;)

Night bloggers and readers :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012


My title clearly states how I'm feeling right now.  I'm stressed, nervous, anxious...yea it's the start of the school year.

So yesterday was the beginning of our new hire PD. It was great, met my other new faculty members, whom are the sweetest people in the world! I also made a bilingual buddy with the fourth grade teacher. She and I are thisclose now! :)

I don't think I mentioned that the principal that hired me took another elementary principal position at another district a few weeks ago, so I was nervous about meeting the new principal. Well let me tell you, this woman is phenomenal. She has a pretty amazing résumé, is bilingual and was a bilingual teacher back in the day.  One new teacher knows her from her previous school and said she fought for the bilingual program at her school when the district didn't want to. 

At a mini-meeting today she told us a little bit about herself and said the bottom line is that she is there for children, parents, faculty and staff. She's not one to hide in her office, she loves getting to know the families and all the children's names because that's just the type of person she is.  She also said that from Monday-Thursday she has lunch with the kids so they can feel comfortable around her. Seriously, how wonderful is that?! I am very much looking forward to working under her wing and learning more from her. :)

I also met with my bilingual coordinators today and I left with a headache. That was only a meet and greet. We meet for two full days next week and I'm already getting anxiety over it. So-many-rules, it's driving me crazy!!!!! But this is what I wanted and this is what I have to deal with.  

I know once I meet the students everything will be great and I'll be in the zone and they are all that matters. I just get myself so worked up and freak out. I need to relax!

Well, I just needed to vent a little and I feel a little better now.  Night bloggers and blog readers.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dear Neglected Blog...

Why hello there lovely blog friends! I have been away from my little blog for almost three weeks now!! Sorry!!

I went wayyyy out of town for a few days two weeks ago (long story that I'll get to another day) and ever since I got back, I've been going teacher crazy. You teachers know what I mean...cutting, laminating, worrying, trying to put my room together, etc.

When I got back from my mini-vacay, I was surprised to find my room was clutter free!!! Remember my room was the "dump room" so you can just image what it looked like and it was also Cheeto orange (yuck).

Well as you all know I painted with a friend from my old school (ex-prince charming) yes we broke up, but we decided it would be best for both of since we are both headed in two completely different directions. Anyway, no hard feelings and we remain buddies. :)

So he helped me paint my room and it turned out to be beautiful once everything was all clear and I started hanging stuff on my walls.  I do have to give a special thank you to my amazing and wonderful mother who has put up with my temper tantrums, I mean "Moody Judy" behavior while trying to figure out how to put my classroom together. I am very Type A, everything needs to be perfect or else! Oh you know you're the same way!

Well for the most part my room is close to being finished, I just need desks!! LOL! I also need some last minute touch ups here and there.  I don't want to take/post pictures until it is completely finished and I'm satisfied with it. I will say this, my vice principal walked into my room and her jaw dropped.  She said I did an amazing job and she's so glad she found me! She even told my mom how lucky they were to have me on their faculty!

I got a Silhouette Cameo!!! If you don't already have one, then you need to get one. I know they're a bit pricey even with a teacher discount but I so recommend getting one. I was able to get mine a bit cheaper than the teacher discount on Amazon but you have to watch the prices and make sure you calculate the shipping and all that good stuff. Everything I made is at school so I have no goodies to show you.

Okay, I think that catches me up for now. I'll be posting pictures very soon!! :) Night!